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Hindi Crash Course
Category: KG
आर्ट एंड क्राफ्ट, व्याकरण सहित हिंदी क्रैश कोर्स में 28 सत्र
Start date: 7th February
End date: 24th March
- स्वर एवं व्यंजनों का ज्ञान ( लिखना एवं पढ़ना)
- मिले-जुले अक्षरों की कविता
- अंगों के नाम
- रंगों के नाम
- रेनबो क्राफ्ट
- फलों के नाम
- सब्जियों के नाम
- वेजिटेबल क्ले मॉडलिंग
- कहानी – मम्मी बनी रानी
- ह्यूमन बॉडी कार्टून
- गेम क्राफ्ट
- मस्ती का स्कूल
- रिवीजन के साथ समस्या हल करने वाली कक्षाएं

English Crash Course
Category: KG
Start date: 7th February
End date: 24th March
- Letter Identification (Uppercase Letters)
- 3D letters
- English Vocabulary session
- Lowercase Letters
- Consonant Sounds (A to Z)
- Short vowel ‘a, e, i’ Sound
- Short vowel ‘o, u’ Sound
- Drawing with vowels
- Blending sounds to read CVC words with vowel ‘a,e,i’
- Blending sounds to read CVC words with vowel ‘o,u’
- Old McDonald’s Farm
- Vegetable Names
- Vegetable Printing
- Singular or Plural (Nouns)
- Fruits Names
- Fruit Basket Clay Modelling (Fruits Name)
- Colour Names
- Birthday card
- Number names: One to Ten
- Drawing animals with numbers
- Tortoise and the hare
- Action words
- Land Transport
- Water/Air Transport
- Paper boat model (water transport)
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Seasons’ Drawing
- Talking about myself
- Doubt Clearing Session

Summer Camp
₹1,499.00 ₹999.00
Category: Summer Camps
Give your child a fun, interactive, and engaging classroom learning experience with FirstInClass Summer Camp 2022, where children will develop important life skills for a global world, helping them achieve their future goals.