Learn From Our Rich Heritage
Dada Dadi Ki Kahaniyan will take kids to the world of their grandparents through storytelling methods which will help them connect with their cultural roots, and bridge the generational gap. A program where dadas and dadis will tell kids their stories taking us back to their world through conversations, boosting familial and generational ties, and helping children learn from their experiences and imbibe their wisdom. We at FirstinClass believe that there are several ways to learn about the world and the pasts, one of which is through the experiences of elders and their stories.
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Our Teachers

I just love you Kim, you fixed my life and made me a better person. How did you do it?
Dora Handle

I'm someone who struggled with weight. Kim helped me get in better shape.
David Shlemer

Now I am fit like the girls you see on MTV. While that wasn't my initial goal, now I'm really into it.
Tara Malnic

The workout helped with my depression and low self esteem, as well as with my abs.
Mika Sumner